Spring Bulk Pickup Coming Saturday, May 4, 2024 and Other Information

Spring Bulk Pickup May 4, 2024
The Fern Bluff MUD and Republic Services (formerly Central Texas Refuse) will be providing our Spring Bulk Pickup on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Household Bulk items as well as bundled brush (cut and tied, no larger than 4ft by 4ft and less than 40 lbs.) will be collected if placed at the curb by 7 am. Items may be placed as early as Friday evening. Any items not placed at the curb by 7 am will be the resident’s responsibility to discard.
Please click HERE to see the list of ACCEPTED and EXCLUDED items. For questions, please contact the MUD office at 512-238-0606 or Republic Services at 512-243-2833.

STAGE 1 Water Restrictions
Our lake levels are low! The Fern Bluff MUD purchases its wholesale water from the City of Round Rock and follows the city’s drought contingency plan.  Currently, we are in Stage One water restrictions.  Outdoor irrigation is limited to twice per week, before 10 am or after 7 pm, and is based on the last digit of your address.
4 or 8          Sunday and/or Thursday
0 or 3          Monday and/or Thursday
2, 6,or 7     Tuesday and/or Friday
1, 5 or 9     Wednesday and/or Saturday 
Water Supply Issues
At the February 27th, 2024, MUD Board meeting the Director for the Central Texas Water Coalition shared information with the board and interested residents regarding water supply issues for the Central Texas Region.  Valuable information was presented, and you may read a synopsis of the meeting by clicking HERE.
Protect our Storm Drains and Creeks and Meter Vaults

Do not blow leaves or grass clippings into the street curb cuts (storm drains) as this is an MS4 violation and violators are subject to fines.  Clogged storm drains may cause flooding so please blow and bag your leaves, grass and all landscape debris.  Also, please do not plant shrubs, etc. near your water meter vault.  Roots can and will break water lines.  If you have plantings near your vault, always keep a minimum of 3ft radius clearance around and above the vault as this area is in a utility easement and must remain accessible for repairs and meter readings.
Dispose of Excess Cardboard and Styrofoam
The Deep Wood Recycle Center not only takes Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) but is NOW accepting Styrofoam, Glass, and Cardboard. You do not need a voucher to drop off your Styrofoam, etc.  Simply drive in, take an immediate left, and drop materials in the marked receptacles. You will need an HHW voucher to drop off hazardous materials and you may request a voucher at the MUD office. 
Utility Construction coming to Oak Brook
The Brushy Creek MUD will be decommissioning a wastewater lift station, and the construction will have an effect on Oak Brook residents and others that drive in the Hillside Drive, Sutter Creek area.  Please see the letter, attached HERE, that will be mailed to all Oak Brook Residents once the start date has been scheduled.