Bulk Pickup, Sewer Averaging and Safety

Don’t Forget, this Saturday, October 28th!

The Fern Bluff MUD and Central Texas Refuse (our solid waste removal contractor) will be hosting our Fall Bulk Pickup this Saturday, October 28, 2023. Household Bulk items as well as bundled brush will be collected if placed at the curb by 7 am. Items may be placed as early as Friday evening. Any items not placed at the curb by 7 am will be the resident’s responsibility to discard.

Please click HEREto see the list of ACCEPTED and EXCLUDED items. For questions, please contact the MUD office at 512-238-0606 or Central Texas Refuse customer service at 512-243-2833.


Our sewer averaging period will begin November 15, 2023 and end February 15, 2024. The Fern Bluff MUD calculates your sewer bill (wastewater) based on the amount of water used during 3 consecutive winter months. Since water used during the winter period is generally only indoor water use, and not outdoor irrigation, it is a good measure of the volume flowing to the sewer system. You can lower your sewer costs next year by conserving water during this averaging period. Plan now to turn off irrigation systems, fix leaking faucets and toilets, and check pool auto-fills.


MUD employees are receiving numerous complaints of traffic violations all over the district; specifically running stop signs and speeding.  We have requested additional traffic enforcement from the Williamson County Sheriff’s Department.  Please help keep everyone safe, obey the speed limits and please, please come to a complete STOP at STOP SIGNS!


Those tall, skinny things popping up in the greenbelts, parks and yards with the fluffy tops that seem to grow 6 inches in a day are Bluestem which is a beneficial, native grass.  Most of us do not appreciate them in our yard but in greenbelts, easements, and roadways they are desired.  Fall is their peak growth period and the feathery tops are actually seeds.  Please be patient during this season as they do grow very quickly and may appear unsightly, but they are important to our native areas and help with erosion.