Proposed budget and tax rate change
Your Fern Bluff MUD Board of Directors and Professional Team have reviewed our financial standing for 2022 and worked to put in place our 2023 budget considering increased operations cost due to inflation, increased wholesale water costs, and an increase in trash collection cost and our increased tax revenue due to home appraisal increases.
At our August 9th board meeting we approved the final budget. The approved budget will allow us to maintain our highest level of service, mitigate the water rate increase imposed by our supplier (City of Round Rock), and will allow us to decrease the MUD tax rate from $0.25/$100 value to $0.21/$100 value (proposed). The portion of your monthly bill that covers trash and recycling collection will go up $1.04/month. Please click here for the Notice of Public Hearing which will be on Tuesday, September 13, 2022, 6 pm at the Fern Bluff MUD Community Center.
Parks (Playscape) survey
The MUD board and staff value our constituent’s feedback and would appreciate your help in identifying playscape features you would like to see in our parks. Many of our current playscapes are aging out, and we would like your input as we design and plan for replacements. Please click here to access our quick survey or copy this URL to your browser for access. For your convenience, there is also a link on our website and mobile app. The survey will be open through Saturday, October 15, 2022.
Water Restrictions reminder
Just a reminder that stage 1 water restrictions are in effect. Irrigation and other water use are restricted to two days a week based on the last digit of your address. For more details on do’s and don’ts, exceptions, and watering time windows, please visit our website by clicking here.
Wyoming Springs Extension update
The city of Round Rock and Williamson County continue their planning for the Wyoming Springs extension that will begin at the intersection of Brightwater Blvd. and Creek Bend Blvd. and continue through to FM 3406/Old Settlers Blvd. While the MUD has no authority to block this project, the project cannot continue apace without MUD cooperation. In weighing the various county & City of Round Rock requests, the MUD will continue to seek the best possible resolution to maximize utility and value to the MUD and the taxpayers of the district. A public hearing on Fern Bluffs involvement in this project will be held on October 12.
Reduction in Credit Card Payment Fee
Our professional team has successfully negotiated a reduction in the fee charged to our residents who choose to use a credit card to pay their water bills. This reduction will take effect on September 1, 2022.
Fall Bulk Trash Pickup
The Fall Bulk Trash Pickup day will be on October 8th, 2022. Please click here for the flyer.